Used Candy Wrappers Should Be Trash!

One of my favorite things to do is to tear apart bad ideas in women’s home improvement magazines. So it is with a special little glee that I bring you a week of Real Simple’s exceptional idea failures and the PixieTypes who most likely came up with them. I don’t mean to slam specific personality types, or Real Simple but this month’s “New Uses for Old Vices” is like a nightmarish blend of the worst ideas, the worst personality traits and the worst rationalization of hoarding trash that I’ve ever seen!

First up is using leftover candy wrappers to wrap small presents. Really? A major women’s magazine really wants to be encouraging its thrifty readers to save and reuse their candy wrappers? Not to mention carefully opening them, then rinsing and washing them off and then saving them until they need to wrap some presents? Some “small-scale” presents? I’m exhausted just writing about this, which means, Organics (NFs) and Smarts (NTs) need not apply. Organics because they need to get better about throwing stuff out and Smarts because they would just find some wrapping paper that has candy wrapper designs on it.

No one but a Classic (SJ) could think of this idea. Okay, maybe a Fun (SP) might be the one who would actually do this project because they wouldn’t internalize how much time it would take to actually clean those wrappers before they stashed them away for a rainy day. Although I must admit it IS a somewhat clever idea and the idealist Organic in me likes the idea of saving those plastic wrappers from the landfill, but I think it is safe to say that for ALL personality types and to keep hoarding at bay, the best use for an old candy wrapper is and always will be the trash, or, if you want to go the extra inch, the recycling bin.

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