Valentine’s Day Gift Special

You’re either a Valentine’s Day kind of person or you’re not. Whether you’re married or dating could also be a factor in whether you celebrate. But I’m talking about wanting to celebrate, not you celebrate because you have to or you’ll upset your significant other. I haven’t done enough research to know if personality type determines how you feel about Valentine’s day but my gut instinct tells me it’s a small factor. I think that more practical types — Classics (SJ), some Funs (SP), Organic Structures (NFJ), and Smart Structures (NTJ) are less likely to make a big deal about this holiday. They’re the ones most likely to go out to dinner on February 13th to avoid the overpriced menus and Organic Freedoms (NFP) would be the most likely to find this way of celebrating perplexing to say the least. We offer a few ideas on how to please Valentine’s Day kind of people across the personality spectrum. Plus read Kelly’s blog on what she things is a universal gift …

Now, Classics (SJ) of all types are likely the easiest to convince that going out the day before Valentine’s is the way to go. Classic Structures (STJ) are probably the ones who invented this idea with their uber practicality that beats out their sentimentality on most days. But, Classics are not necessarily Valentine’s Day scrooges. They just can see the wisdom of not paying marked up restaurant pricing. And if you’re on a budget, these folks also would appreciate a sweet card, some sweetheart candies and a box of chocolate they like. The latter might seem generic but it’s traditional Valentine’s Day swag AND … Classics are if anything, traditional.

Funs (SP) will appreciate any awesome surprise be it a bauble, a trinket or an experience. Translation: if you buy them candy every year, mix it up for goodness sakes, cupcakes or caviar or whatever you think might surprise and delight! Yes, some Funs could be talked into the day ahead Valentine’s Day celebration but not all of them so I’d be careful with this practical idea if you think you have a Fun on your hands. You could do something amazing the day of — as in something a little more creative than dinner out on the town — but you could also get them tickets to an experience in the future as a gift and do a simple dinner on the 14th. Funs are the kind of people who’ll appreciate a gift of tickets to a show or a food & wine festival later in the year and might even appreciate that it was something they’d said they wanted to do that year. It shows that you were listening AND understand their love of doing fun things.

For any Organic (NF), sentimental is the way to go. Maybe you go to the restaurant where you had your first date or you got engaged, or you frame a photo of you guys. Channel your creativity and money toward sentimentality. Or make them something like their favorite cookies. Now this is the way to an Organic’s heart. Obviously if you want to buy the Organic girl in your life diamond earrings for Valentine’s Day they’re not going to scoff about lack of sentimentality but I’m talking presents for the 99.9% of us on Valentine’s Day. These Organic tips might also translate for Classic Freedoms (SFJ) and Fun Freedoms (SFP) — we are softies as well as being practical. Oh and if you make them your favorite cake and decide to write Happy Valentine’s Day on it, never ever abbreviate “Valentine’s Day.” I learned that one the hard way.

As for Smarts (NT), I’m not sure what determines whether they’ll celebrate this holiday in a big way or not. I’d say they’re the least likeliest to do so unless they grew up with parents making a big deal out of it or have a significant other who wants to do it up. They’ll likely know whether their partner wants to celebrate it or not, they’re called smart for a reason. And you’ll know how the Smart in your life feels about the holiday as they are rarely shy about giving an honest opinion. A Smart Structure (NTJ) might be fine with dining on the 13th for reasons listed in Classic (SJ) section above. They’ll always appreciate any thoughtful idea you give them but as always with Smarts (NT) go quality — make whatever it is, high end or homemade. And as for thoughtful, I mean put advance thought into it. I once bought my Smart Structure (NTJ) boyfriend a teddy bear on the highway coming home from a Valentine’s Day weekend in Maine to thank him for the Valentine’s Day weekend. It hadn’t dawned on me that he expected a Valentine’s Day gift with thought behind it. He’s so no nonsense but feelings do lurk beneath Smarts’ tough exteriors.

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