We Are the Champions!!! The Magic of PixieTypes Is Everything

images-1What in the world does being the first Cleveland Championship team in 52 years, the first team in history to come back from three losses to win the NBA Championship, or the first team to win three games in a row against the California Warriors this year have to do with Pixie Organizing Types? Everything.

Okay, sure I’m a boasting and exuberant 45 year long Cleveland, Ohio sports fan, and I feel like the world has turned on its axis and now anything is possible, but I also noticed, when listening to Lebron James talk at the end of Cleveland’s historic Championship rally that he was explaining how Meyer-Briggs practitioners talk about team building in corporate settings and how getting the perfect mix of the 16 types, or even the 8 Pixie Organizing Types is the key to making any business — even a Cleveland sports franchise — work like magic.

And that’s what PixiesDidIt! is all about: making life and organizing work like magic. It’s harder when you’re at home and don’t have access to the money and talent that most corporations do, but it’s still possible to make life easier just by knowing where your holes are in your home management team. Knowing you’re the kind of Pixie Organizing Type who’s going to have a harder time tidying up at the end of a long time, or the kind of Pixie who needs to tidy up at the end of the day or you’ll go mad — makes all the difference.

So the PixieTip of this week is that anything can happen — championships in Cleveland — and perhaps even harder: getting and staying organized. All you need to know is your strengths and weaknesses, where you need help, and where you need to accept that life is what it is. For instance while this Organic Freedom Pixie housewife has a four year old, tidying up every day is just not going to happen, even if a tidy house is always a lovely and beautiful thing. But because I’m an Organic Freedom, it’s easier for me than some other types to see the big picture and know that my four year old will not stay four forever and soon she’ll spend hours in her room like her 13 year old Classic Structure Pixie sister, organizing and tidying up.

It’s all begins with knowing and accepting who you are. And we native Clevelanders here at PixiesDidIt! are you biggest fans.

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