Nowadays everyone has hundreds if not thousands of photos on their computer but less and less of them physically around them. Yes, it’s probably good that there are less unmatching picture frames cluttering up people’s mantles, bookshelves and pianos, but there are many beautiful ways to highlight your favorite photos. And it’s definitely time to make your virtual photo collections real. Here’s how.  

 A cluster of picture frames on one wall or a hallway is a beautiful and artistic way to show off all your favorite photos — new and old. This is a wonderful idea but tends to be harder for some PixieTypes than others. A good way to start is to take some masking tape and make a square or rectangle and work within these lines when placing frames. Or get some kraft paper and create a collection you like on the paper, trace with pencil then tape up to the wall when hammering. Mismatched frames can work for the more free-form types like Funs, Organic Freedoms and Smart Freedoms, but will tend to bother Classics, Organic S tructures and Smart Structures. (Actually we think it might just bother Classics) But since Classics make up almost 50% of our population here’s a great idea. If the frames you own are all different colors consider spray painting them the same color —  it’s a cheap and easy quick fix.

Another idea has been literally sitting around for years in souvenir shops all over the world, but it’s an ingenious idea for displaying photos. Who would of thought to use one of these guys as a rack for photos to display in your home? First time the Pixies saw it was in a Classic Freedom’s home, so we give props to those guys for actually making a cool idea real. Check out eBay. Photos may become a little worn and tattered but photo can we switched up often to make room for all your new favorites and its so much easier (not sure if it’s cheaper!) to print out a new copy.

Now, if you’re anything like me — an Organic Freedom in addition to photos, you’ve got a whole lotta crapola and it’s everywhere. Well, maybe crapola isn’t the right world, let’s call them trinkets. These little trinkets mean a lot to me and it’s the little things that have no logical home that mean the most to me, whether it’s a rock found on a beach on a special vacation or a movie stubboy, do I have a lot of those — I like having them around. My type likes the idea of Scrapbooks, but the time and effort it takes to make them doesn’t alway happen. Not to mention I start to forget about the stuff when it’s all wrapped up neatly in a book on a shelf. So Funs and Classics have at those scrapbooks. Scrapboxes are for Organics and Smarts — we think! Please tell us if you think we’re wrong.

We think scrapboxes are the best solution on the planet for Organics and Smarts because not only do they now have a home for all of these beloved and randomly connected objects they have lying about their houses, they can also tie them together with a picture or photo! It’s kind of like a perfect illustration of how Organics and Smarts take in information into their brains. When you put the items together with a photo it explains the importance of those items — usually trophies of some kind for Smarts, and a story of some kind for Organics — the photo brings the objects to life and helps us remember and other see why these things are so important, which is why so many of us love pictures in the first place.

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