What’s Your Organizing Type? You Might Be an Organic Freedom or Smart Freedom If…
Having trouble figuring out what your organizing personality type is? Here are a few Jeff Foxworthy type statements that might help you figure out who you are.
- You might be an Organic Freedom or Smart Freedom if:
- You always return to your kitchen to find all the cabinets open. You’ve suspected it might be a ghost, but your Classic friends know better. It’s you.
- You’ve got piles of paper on most horizontal surfaces in your home — tables, countertops, chairs, desks, etc. The only way you keep horizontal surfaces decluttered is by putting photo frames or tchotchkes on them.
- There’s at least one room in your home that you fear is beginning to look like an episode of a hoarding show.
- Your relatives have taken to telling you the wrong time for events so you’ll show up on time.
- You’re always trying and failing to keep a To Do list and appointment book.
- Sometimes you come across old lists when you’re going through all the piles of paper on your dining room table and are amazed you’ve actually finished the To Do list.
- You’ve discovered that the best way to tidy up your home is to throw a party or invite your in-laws over.
- You have no idea why people get upset when you leave dishes in the sink overnight. I mean, at least they’re still not in the bedroom or on the kitchen table.
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