If it’s you, you should worry when you feel really, really bad. If it’s your kids? Call the doctor and let them decide whether you should come in or not. Personally, I’ve always gauged how sick my kid is with how loud they are. Loud & annoying? Awesome. Quiet & lethargic? Not so good. Also, inconsolable isn’t any better either. But when it comes to kids we do worry, so always check with your doctor.

When it comes to yourself, you know when you’re really sick. If it’s bad and stays bad for more than a week, or if you just keep getting worse, go to the doc. I can’t remember the last time I was knocked down in bed for more than a week, but if you are, um, it’s bad! Here’s a list of swine flu symptoms we found on about.com

Possible Swine Flu Symptoms
Muscle Ache or Pain
Joint Pain
Sore Throat
Runny Nose
Loss of Appetite

Swine Flu Warning Signs in Children
Trouble Breathing
Behavior Changes
Increased Restlessness
Isn’t Drinking Enough Fluids
Skin Rashes
An Uncomfortable State

If you suspect you have these symptoms, don’t go to the hospital! Just go to your doctor the way you would with any flu. And if they don’t have the vaccine, use the Google® app to find a location near you that does.

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