Whoopee, a Zeppelin!
If you love “A Christmas Story,” click on the image above. We got it from a forum on a website sure to please. www.flickstongue.comThis is what you shout out in our family on Christmas morning when you’ve just opened a great gift. It’s a nod to a line from the Christmas morning scene in the cult classic movie, “A Christmas Story,” filmed partially in downtown Cleveland (our hometown). Below are some gift ideas for different Pixie types that will hopefully get you the equivalent shout out on Christmas morning of “Whoopee, a Zeppelin!”
Below we give a few ideas for each personality type. But, with a small 2-man team, our list doesn’t come close to competing with awesome ones like New York Magazine’s. So, we included things to keep in mind when picking our presents for types.
Classics love stationery. I don’t know what it is. We also love things with our name on it (and as we get older, our initials or moniker). I love American Stationery and particularly their personalized address stamper. It’s so much nicer (and easier) just to hit a stamp and be done with your return address. Makes life easier. In general, with Classics, you can’t go wrong with something old school and useful. You can get something with a touch of whimsy & beauty as long as it’s also useful, handy or traditional.
This one is for Funs and Organics but generally anyone with a good sense of humor will love it — makes a great Secret Santa gift. Check out Pamela Barsky’s luggage tags. They’re witty & cheeky, not unlike your Pixies, and no one will ever mistakenly grab your bag. Another idea for Funs and Organics, particularly trendy ones, check out Snorgtees. These funny T-shirts make even this sometimes stiff Classic want to wear one. With Funs, think whimsy and unique, but also ensure it’s high quality and within the specifications that they usually request. Funs may be flexible but they are a stickler about quality. It can be cheap, just make sure it’s good. Organics are a bit more flexible with receiving gifts. IF it’s a well thought out gift from the heart, i.e., you tried your darndest to get them something they’d like, then they will find a way to love it.
We don’t know a Smart alive who doesn’t love to read books. Many Smart Structures tend to hold on to them, which is fine until you turn 65 and your house resembles a museum (ahem, Dad!). The nook™ is Barnes & Nobles answer to Amazon’s Kindle™. It should hopefully reduce paperback clutter on their bookshelves and make traveling with multiple books a lot less heavy. Oh and in general with Smarts, buy them quality stuff — if it’s mediocre, don’t bother. (and if you click our nook™ link to buy it then we get paid a tiny commission but we’re only recommending it because a Smart and a Fun thought it was better quality than the Kindle™.
Smart Freedoms & Fun Structures (male oriented ones or electronic lovers)
An old friend of ours turned us on to this cool website called, Woot. They sell one item per day until it is sold out or until 11:59pm central time when it is replaced with the next day’s item. Each item they sell is in stock and typically ships within 2-3 business days. You can find stuff for all types here. But, it’s more electronics focused so think guys in your life like Smart Freedoms and Fun Structures.
For the ladies …
For the gals in your life, check out Freddyandma. It’s a super cool website, founded by a sister & brother (identified with their story for obvious reasons) that allows you to create your own handbags. Instead of buying the ladies in your life a regular cookie cutter bag, get them a gift certificate and let them design one for themselves. It’s a great way to avoid disappointing people while being much more creative than buying a gift certificate to Bloomies.
Freddyandma is best for Organics and Funs (who will really enjoy the process of going through the myriad fabric selections). Classics might just prefer you fulfill their “order” precisely or at least not have a “To Do” item added to their list forcing them to write something in their calendar akin to, “Pick out and purchase my own Christmas Gift.” But, this year as retailers are planning to have tight inventory, frankly, even a Classic would wade through choices than be stuck returning something to a store only to find there’s nothing they like available.