Will Organics Ever Hire an Organizer?

As an Organic (NF), I have hired an organizer, so it will and does happen. And probably more than any other type, we need organizers to help us throw sentimental crap away. Organic Freedoms (NFP) need an organizer to keep them on a schedule and Organic Structures (NFJ) need someone to help them throw that cracked piece of junk their grandmother used to use as an ashtray away. But will we actually hire an Organizer? That is the question. It’s a rare client that has this personality type who will hire us past the consult phase!

Organics have vision. This is both their gift and their downfall when the vision falls short of reality. We have an idea of what our house should look like and how we want it to be, so having someone come in and mess with that vision is unnerving and annoying and we usually end up deciding that we can do it ourselves. And we ARE good at organizing. But Organic Freedoms tend to get bogged down in the details and can OVER organize or rather micro organize into categories that are difficult to maintain. Organics can also get overwhelmed by the details, but their drive to get things done makes them take necessary shortcuts — like throwing all the toy trains and cars in the same big box, instead of separating them by size and type, especially when your kid plays with them every day all day!

So when you are overwhelmed by a big mess of some kind, hire an organizer to help you go through and purge stuff. Especially when you’re dealing with a major life event. And feel free to push your preferences so you’re not spending all your time making sure the organizer is happy. You have hired them to help YOU, so tell them exactly what you need help with. If you don’t like one of their solutions, swallow your better nature, and tell them why you don’t like it or why you don’t think it will work for you. We know this is hard! But then you will get the most out of the experience and the end result is a happy, neat and organized home. Nothing better about THAT kind of harmony.

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