Wishing You an Organized New Year!

Wishing you an organized new year so you get to spend more time doing things like this!

Well, first, Happy Christmas! I’m about to enjoy some R&R and a typical advance planning Classic, therefore I’m fast forwarding to wishing you an organized New Year. Naturally, along with this wish, is three ideas for how to do it, regardless of your type. Use the time before New Year’s because it’s often slow for everybody.

Get Rid of Papers

I go through my papers in earnest about twice a year. In this ritual, I know I’m not the best example of a Classic because many of us are more fastidious. However, I found it’s a waste of time to constantly file things — whether at the office or at home. So, I have a hidden “To File” pile and it grows for about 6-8 months. I even have files within the pile. Right around the New Year, I go through the pile, file things that need to be kept, leave a few things to which I need quick assess, and trash the majority of what’s in there. This piling system works for me as a filer because I’m so busy at this point in my life, I try to use every available minute for the most efficient, important tasks and file away.

Plan Out Your Year

I buy a new physical day planner at year-end and right out important dates ahead of time. Later in the year, I’m so thankful that they’re already there to remind me, i.e., birthdays, work dates, school breaks etc. This is a typical Classic year end ritual. But, I also do something that is entirely more big picture, i.e., Organic & Smart. I also jot down in said planner what I want to accomplish for the year. There’s something about writing down my intentions that focuses my mind. Sure as the year goes by and things drift this way and that some of those intentions fly away. But many of them don’t. I’m often surprise to look back at just how many things on that list I did accomplish.

Start to Use Electronic Calendar Reminders

We tell non obsessive calendar users — i.e., Funs, Organic Freedoms, Smart Freedoms — to use electronic calendar alarms to remind you of important events. But, they’re incredibly useful to everyone. I use both a physical and an electronic calendar. For me, the act of writing something out in my calendar helps me remember it better than if I just type it on a computer. I am a Classic but I have A.D.D. therefore it also prevents slip-ups. More importantly, I use electronic reminders to help me be more efficient. How you ask? If I come up with an idea for a birthday present, I put it as an electronic reminder closer to when I might purchase it. When 6 months roll by and it pops up, I almost have always forgotten about my great idea AND I’m so thankful for my foresight. It’s like having a personal assistant who is me because it IS me.

Wishing You an Organized New Year and Many Happy Returns!

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