Yes, You Should Hire an Organizer

Now you might think this week’s PixieTips are just a shameless plug to hire us, but you would think wrong. Kelly is about to pop out a baby as you read this, and Kelly is pretty sure that Katie is STILL complaining about the birth of her baby a month ago. SO we’re in no shape to be organizing anything except when the next feeding is. But we do think it’s important to know your personality type when organizing, and so this week is in many ways a shameless plug for our forthcoming book, PixiesDidIt! Organize Your Home and Life by Personality Type! Buying this book will make any experience you have with any organizer better, because you’ll know the best way for them to help you.

But putting our fabulous book aside for a moment, like we said at the beginning of the week, people tend to hire organizers when they’ve gone through a huge major life event — the death of a loved one, the birth of a child, moving house, moving in with someone, losing a job — anything that requires a lot of stuff and movement is going to throw off whatever organizational system you have in place and force you to come up with a new one, or get rid of a lot of stuff. And it is here that we highly recommend not doing it alone. Introverts of all types will probably resist the intrusion into their personal effects, but once your personal effects are overwhelming you, the desperation can become enough to overcome this need to do it alone.

The other unexpected boon of hiring an organizer? Even after they’ve only spent a day or a couple of hours with you, all personality types tend to keep doing it even after they’ve gone. You’ve been going through stuff and making decisions on things so that the minute you see something out of place you either know where it goes or can make a split decision on where it should go. The secret benefit of an organizer is that organizing continues long after the organizer has gone. And if this doesn’t happen then you know you hired the wrong organizer and you should buy our book!!!

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