Zen and the Art of Drawer Organization

I had an entirely different post planned for this week but then I received a Daily Grommet customizable product idea — DrawerDecor — and I immediately decided to feature it. As a Classic (SJ) that loves everything to have a very specific, distinct home, the image to the left was a form of visual zen for me. I immediately melted when I saw it. Then I tensed up when I thought about what it would end up looking like at my Organic Freedom (NFP) sister’s house after a month’s use … and probably quite a few other homes too.

The photo I have posted here of what Katie’s drawer would look like is generous to say the least. They probably wouldn’t be able to shut the drawer within a few weeks because all of the utensils would be askew resting on top of the raised plastic homes. The main problem with this gadget for less detail oriented folks — Organic (NF) and Smarts (NT) — is that a relatively organized drawer isn’t really going to bother them the way it would a Classic (SJ) or a Fun (SP). If a drawer isn’t overflowing and they can find things with relative ease, they’re not going to get the same amount of zen from seeing the can opener asleep, tucked into it’s specific bed. In fact, the annoyance of having to put the can opener back precisely in the exact same position every time one opens a can, might be more tedious than zen.

Now, this isn’t to say Organic Structures (NFJ) or Smart Structures (NTJ) love a messy drawer — not in the least. But, this gadget is made for someone who has paired down his or her cooking utensils to the bare minimum. Neither of these types likely has spartan cooking utensil drawers. Plus one of the toughest things for Organic Structures to do is get rid of things and Smart Structures surely have more interesting things to do than clean our their cooking utensil drawer. Let’s face it, if we could all keep only say 6 large cooking utensils per drawer, our drawers would look amazing even without this gadget.

There are people who will argue that since DrawerDecor is customizable you could make it so that it would suit any personality type and this is a possibility. But, I think it’s mainly for VERY detail oriented folk. It is really made for Classics (SJ) who truly get inner peace when they see and repeatedly maintain very specific organization. The inner peace isn’t just the visual but also the action of putting these things away. It’ll also probably work for a few Funs (SP) who will naturally get a kick out of having color in their drawers and like that each utensil has a specific home.

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