I have no idea how I found this website but I thought it was a neat way to help you stick to a goal and achieve it. StickK is a website designed to promote a healthier lifestyle for you by allowing you to create “Commitment Contracts.” But your goals can really be anything. At the very least, writing down your goal and a time frame makes the likelihood of it happening that much more real.

According to the website, “A Commitment Contract is a contract that binds you into achieving a personal goal. StickK was developed by Yale University economists who tested the effectiveness of Commitment Contracts through extensive field research.” It combines a little bit of motivation for every personality type: incentives, support, and accountability.

To get started on the site, there are four steps. First, you set your goal. Then, you create stakes. You put actual money on the line or at least your credit card. You determine how much and if you fail, to whom the money goes — friend/foe, anti-charity, charity. You can opt out of the money part of it but apparently, you are 3x more likely to succeed if there is money on the line. Next, you choose a referee to monitor the progress and confirm the truth of your reports. Again, you can opt out of the referee but you are 2x more likely to succeed if you have a ref. Finally, you invite supporters — people to cheer you on.

I signed up for it, set a personal goal, put money on the line and chose Kate as my ref. I’ll let you know how I make out in 20 weeks! Let me know if you set a goal and what your type is … it’ll be field research! I see Classics and Smarts initially thinking they don’t need it but trust me, you’d be amazed at the power of simply writing out your goals.

[Sidenote: I had trouble submitting my status reports the first couple of times. I think the trouble was using my Safari browser but they seemed to submit without problem on the Firefox. Or I’m just being a tech idiot — always a distinct possibility]

Oh and Katie thinks it’s a dumb idea to ask an Organic Freedom, Smart Freedom or Fun to be your referee. We’re MUCH better cheerleaders. I keep meaning to check her reports but I, um, I’ve been pretty lame so far! So ask those list makers and on time friends of yours to be a referee…