This is a classic for a reason. It’s a lot of fun. I don’t know why an Organic Freedom like me would get all excited about it, it’s kind of confining. There are only a few paths that you can take, everything is so prescribed and rote, no creativity or alternative visions for life. Where’s the path for the artist? Huh? It’s probably why so many people become doctors and lawyers and Wall Streeters — there’s a laid out path.

But I am and always have been strangely comforted by routine and structure. I like to be able to dip into it when I need or want it. Like the television schedule or having a cup of coffee every morning when I wake up. Organic Freedoms and I daresay Smart Freedoms and Funs also like routine, just as long as they can shift it up every once in a while.

I remember walking to work when I was in the 9-5 grind — okay fine, the 10 to 7 grind — and wishing that I could be off to a movie set like one of my room-mates, or still sleeping because I had the dinner shift at a restaurant. But I was a terrible waitress and I’m hopeless at managing money if it doesn’t come in the same way every two weeks. I think it’s interesting that the same types that crave the non-traditional, also have the most trouble managing money when it’s not coming in on a regular way.

But enough of the HARSH realities of life! Let’s talk about the game! Why is it so fun. Because the children are only 1/2 an inch high? Because the cars are convertibles, because you get to spin a dial like you’re on wheel of fortune? I dunno but it is pretty awesome. And frankly it’s probably where I first learned about salaries, bankruptcy, and retirement! And sure I know we shouldn’t be promoting wealth as the end all be all, but y’know it sure doesn’t make things suck more. And unlike monopoly there isn’t this strategic and mean-spirited competition and conflict. Something all Organics, Fun Freedoms and Classic Freedoms abhor. I’m sure you can feel them all shudder right now at the thought of it, or actually be shuddering.

No, the game of Life is cleaner. Sure who can’t get excited when you get the big salary and your sister is headed to bankruptcy court? But it really introduces the concept of luck. That wheel of fortune is fickle and sometimes, even with the best of intentions crappy things happen. But as you can see from the photo, it’s a great way to bond with grandparents, siblings, cousins, children and grandchildren and promote a sense of belonging and worth. A strong foundation of love that can only help all personality types when life throws those annoying curve balls. If we have each other we can get through anything no matter where the wheel of life lands.